Nov 11 woss repeater trip. Add 4 more batteries to the bank, add voltage telemetry on aprs, top up batteries and check tx RF signal and power. Was a great time. Just got out of there in time for winter . Camped out at Nimpkish lake recreation site with Stuart Taylor and the caving group. Met a new ham Jordan VE7HBI and his YL from Port McNeil. They brought a nice homemade wood stove that kept us toasty and used for cooking lunch. Thanks to Jimmy VA7JMY for scoping out the road conditions for us before we left Campbell River. Thanks Kevin Gerlach VE7KGV for all your work and to all who helped us test telemetry over the air. Thanks Al VA7ACL for helping me build the voltage divider for the KPC3+ TNC.
Telemetry ch 1 three digits translates from example 124 =12.4 v